Video Lecture

Theory For Notes Making


We know when the velocity of a body changes at a constant rate its acceleration is said to be constant. Similarly When the velocity of a body  changesat a non uniform rate, that means the velocity changes by different amount in same time interval the acceleration of the body is said to be non uniform or variable. It happens when the acceleration changes with either Time or Position .

Hence there are three types of question based on relations of acceleration

(i) Acceleration  given as a Function of Time i.e. a = f(t)

(ii) Acceleration  as a Function of position i.e. a = f(x)

(iii) Acceleration  given as a Function of Velocity i.e.  a = f(v)

Illustration based on (i)

The acceleration of a particle is given by a = 4t – 30, where a is in m/s2 and t is in s. Determine the velocity and displacement as functions of time. The initial displacement at  t = 0 is –5m, and the initial velocity is 3 m/s.


a = \displaystyle \frac{{dv}}{{dt}} = 4t – 30

dv= (4t – 30)dt

\displaystyle \int\limits_{3}^{v}{{dv}}=\int\limits_{0}^{t}{{\left( {4t-30} \right)dt}}

Þ     v – 3 = 2t2 – 30 t

or      v = 3 – 30t + 2t2   m/s

Now v = \displaystyle \frac{{dx}}{{dt}} = 3 – 30 t + 2t2

dx= (3 – 30t + 2t2)dt

\displaystyle \int\limits_{{-5}}^{x}{{dx}}=\int\limits_{0}^{t}{{\left( {3-30t+2{{t}^{2}}} \right)dt}}

x + 5 = 3t – 15t2 + \frac{2}{3}t 3

or      x = -5 + 3t – 15t2 + \frac{2}{3}t 3  m

Illustration based on (ii)

The acceleration of a body is related to its position as a = kx2. If at x=0 the velocity of the body is 4m/sec. Find the relation of velocity with position x.


Given   \displaystyle a=k{{x}^{2}}

hence  \displaystyle \frac{{dv}}{{dt}}=k{{x}^{2}}

or  \displaystyle \frac{{dv}}{{dx}}.\frac{{dx}}{{dt}}=k{{x}^{2}}

or  \displaystyle \frac{{dv}}{{dx}}.v=k{{x}^{2}}

or  \displaystyle vdv=k{{x}^{2}}dx

or \displaystyle \int\limits_{4}^{v}{{vdv}}=k\int\limits_{0}^{x}{{{{x}^{2}}dx}}

or  \displaystyle \left[ {\frac{{{{v}^{2}}}}{2}} \right]_{4}^{v}=k\left[ {\frac{{{{x}^{3}}}}{3}} \right]_{0}^{x}

or \displaystyle \frac{{{{v}^{2}}}}{2}-\frac{{{{4}^{2}}}}{2}=k\left[ {\frac{{{{x}^{3}}}}{3}-0} \right]

or  \displaystyle {{v}^{2}}=2k\left[ {\frac{{{{x}^{3}}}}{3}} \right]+16

or \displaystyle v=\sqrt{{2k\left[ {\frac{{{{x}^{3}}}}{3}} \right]+16}}

Illustration based on (iii)

The acceleration of a body is related to its velocity as a = kv2. If at x=0 the velocity of the body is 5m/sec. Find the relation of velocity with time t.


given \displaystyle a=k{{v}^{2}}

\displaystyle \Rightarrow \text{  }\frac{{dv}}{{dt}}=k{{v}^{2}}

\displaystyle \Rightarrow \text{  }\frac{{dv}}{{{{v}^{2}}}}=kdt

\displaystyle \Rightarrow \text{  }\int\limits_{5}^{v}{{\frac{{dv}}{{{{v}^{2}}}}=k\int\limits_{0}^{t}{{dt}}}}

\displaystyle \Rightarrow \text{  }\left[ {\frac{{{{v}^{{-2+1}}}}}{{-2+1}}} \right]_{5}^{v}=k\left[ t \right]_{0}^{t}

\displaystyle \Rightarrow \text{  -}\left[ {\frac{1}{v}} \right]_{5}^{v}=kt

\displaystyle \Rightarrow \text{  }\left[ {\frac{1}{v}-\frac{1}{5}} \right]=-kt

\displaystyle \Rightarrow \text{  }\frac{1}{v}=-kt+\frac{1}{5}

\displaystyle \Rightarrow \text{  }v=\frac{5}{{1-5kt}}

Remember that in the motion with variable acceleration, the graphs between different quantities depends on their mutual relation based on the situation given in the questions

Objective Assignment


Choose the incorrect statement for non uniformly accelerated motion

(a) the position time graph may be  a parabola

(b) the position time graph may be a hyperbola

(c) the velocity time graph may be a parabola

(d) the velocity time graph may be  a hyperbola

Ans. (a)


In a non uniform motion with nonuniform acceleration 

(a) The velocity may change but the speed may remains constant with time

(b) The acceleration and velocity both may change with time

(c) The acceleration may change with position of the body

(d) All of the above three options are correct

Ans.   (d)


The position of  a body is given as x = 2t3 -3t2 -12t -2. (where t ≥0) . The acceleration of the body when the velocity is zero must be

(a) 12 m/sec2

(b) 10 m/sec2

(c)  18 m/sec2

(d)  14 m/sec2

Ans . (c) 


In the previous question the time at which the velocity-time graph cuts the acceleration-time graph when drawn on the same diagram is

(a) 2.3 sec

(b) 3.3 sec

(c) 3.8 sec

(d) 6.6 sec

Ans.  (b)


If the velocity of a body is given as v = 2t2 – 2t +1. And it is given at t=0 , x=4. Find the position of the body when acceleration is zero.

(a) 3/8

(b) 7/8

(c) 2/5

(d) 3/5

Ans. (b)


The position x of a body is given by x = (u-2)t + 2(a+4)t2 + 10 . If at t=0 , velocity of body is 10m/sec, find u

(a) 10

(b) 16

(c) 12

(d) 18

Ans.  (c)


In the previous question assuming `a’ to be greater than 0, then the graph between acceleration and time is 

(a) A straight line parallel to time axis cutting acceleration axis at `a’

(b) A straight line with positive slope 

(c) A parabola symmetrical to time axis

(d) A straight line parallel to time axis

Ans.  (d)


Which of the follwing relation does not represent a non uniformly accelerated motion.

x = position , t = time , v = velocity , a = acceleration

(a) a = v.x

(b) x.v = t

(c) v2 = 4x

(d) a.x3 = 1

Ans.  (c)


The acceleration of a body is given by a= 2t + 4. If at t=0 the position x=10 and velocity v=5. Then the relation for instantaneous velocity v(t) is given by

(a) t2 + 4t – 5

(b) t2 + 4t + 5

(c) 2t2 + 4t + 5

(d) t2 + 2t  + 5

Ans.  (b)


In the previous question the relation between position and time is given by

(a) \displaystyle x=\frac{{{{t}^{3}}}}{3}+4{{t}^{2}}+10t+10

(b) \displaystyle x=\frac{{{{t}^{2}}}}{2}+3{{t}}+10

(c) \displaystyle x=\frac{{{{t}^{3}}}}{3}+2{{t}^{2}}+5t+10

(d) none

Ans.  (c)


Subjective Assignment


The displacement of a particle is zero at t = 0 and x at certain time t.  It starts moving in the positive x-direction with  a velocity which varies as \displaystyle v\,=\,k\sqrt{x}, where k is a constant. Show that the velocity is proportional to time.


The position of a particle moving on x-axis is given by \displaystyle x\,=\,A{{t}^{3}}+B{{t}^{2}}+Ct+D.  The numerical value of A, B, C, D are 1, 4, –2 and 5 respectively and SI units are used.  What is the velocity of the particle at t = 4 s?


A particle is moving along a straight line and its position is given by the relation \displaystyle x\,=\,\left( {{{t}^{3}}+6{{t}^{2}}-15t+40} \right)m. Find

(a) The time at which velocity is zero.

(b) Position and displacement of the particle at that point.

(c) Acceleration for the particle at that time.


A particle moves uniformly with speed v along a parabolic path y = kx2, where k is a positive constant. Find the acceleration of the particle at the point x = 0

ANS:= 2 k v2


 A car moves rectilinearly from station A to the next stop B with an acceleration varying according to the law a = b-cs where b and c are positive constant and s is its distance from station A. Find the distance between these stations and the maximum velocity of the car.

ANS: s=2b/c and Vmax =b/ \displaystyle \sqrt{c}


Displacement of a particle is given by the expression \displaystyle x\,=\,3{{t}^{2}}+7t-9, where x is in metre and t is in seconds, What is its acceleration?


The position coordinate of a moving particle is given by \displaystyle x\,=\,9{{x}^{2}}+18t+6 (x is in metres and t in seconds) find (i) velocity of the particle at t = 2s and (ii) acceleration of the particle.


The position of a particle moving along a straight line is given by \displaystyle x\,=\,2-5t+6{{t}^{2}}.  Find the acceleration of the particle at t = 2s.


Two cars P and O start from a point at the same time in a straight line and their positions are represented by \displaystyle {{x}_{P}}\left( t \right)=\left( {at-b{{t}^{2}}} \right) and \displaystyle {{x}_{Q}}\left( t \right)=\left( {ft-{{t}^{2}}} \right)At what time do the cars have the same velocity.


For a non uniformly accelerated motion the displacement S is proportional to (time).( i.e. S∝ tn ). What is the minimum value of n and why explain.

Ans. for nonuniformly accelerated motion n should be more than 2.



Created on By physicscart

Non-Uniform Motion With Non-Uniform Acceleration Basic Level

1 / 10

A particle starts from rest with uniform acceleration a. Its velocity after n seconds is v. The displacement of the body in the last two seconds is

2 / 10

The acceleration of a particle starting from rest, varies with time according to the relation a = kt + c. The velocity of the particle after time t will be

3 / 10

The area under acceleration-time graph gives

4 / 10

The acceleration of a moving body can be found from

5 / 10

A particle moves uniformly with speed v along a parabolic path y = kx2, where k is a positive constant. Find the acceleration of the particle at the point x = 0

6 / 10

A car moves rectilinearly from station A to the next stop B with an acceleration varying according to the law a = b-cs where b and c are positive constant and s is its distance from station A. Find the distance between these stations and the maximum velocity of the car

7 / 10

If the acceleration- time graph of a body is a straight line with positive slope then

8 / 10

The displacement S of a particle varies with time t as given below

S = kt3

where k is a positive constant , Then acceleration must be

9 / 10

A motor car moving with a uniform speed of 20\,m/\sec comes to stop on the application of brakes after travelling a distance of 10\,m Its acceleration is

10 / 10

The initial velocity of a body moving along a straight line is 7 . It has a uniform acceleration of 4\,m/{{s}^{2}}. The distance covered by the body in the 5th second of its motion is

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