Video Lecture

Theory For Making Notes

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Practice Questions (Basic Level)


What the equation of SHM with amplitude 8 cm and maximum particle speed 64p cm/s (where y is also in cm.)

(a) y = 64 sin 2 pt              

(b) y = 8 sin 8 pt                   

(c) y = 64 sin 8 pt                  

(d) y = 8 sin 64 pt

Ans : (b)


A particle moves such that its acceleration is given by a = -b2 What is the period of oscillation

(a) 2p/b              (b) 2p/8b                 (c) b/2p                      (d) 2p/3b

Ans : (a)


The displacement x (in centimeters) of an oscillating particle varies with time t (in seconds) as \displaystyle x=2\cos \left( {0.5\ \pi t+\frac{\pi }{3}} \right)The magnitude of the maximum acceleration of the particle in cms–2 is

(a)      \displaystyle \frac{\pi }{2}                    

(b)      \displaystyle \frac{\pi }{4}                    

(c)      \displaystyle \frac{{{{\pi }^{2}}}}{2}   

(d)      \displaystyle \frac{{{{\pi }^{2}}}}{4}

Ans : (c)


Two SHM’s are respectively represented by y = a sin(wt – kx) and y = b cos(wt – kx). Then the phase difference between the two is

(a) p/2                  (b)   p/4                   (c) p/3                    (d) None

Ans : (a)


A particle executes SHM. Its velocities are v1 and v2 at displacement x1 and x2 from mean position respectively. The frequency of oscillation will be:

(a)      \displaystyle 1000\sqrt{3}            

(b)      \displaystyle \frac{{2\sqrt{\beta }}}{{1+\beta }}                 

(c)      \displaystyle \begin{array}{l}\frac{2}{{\left( {1+\beta } \right)}}+\\\end{array}       

(d)      \displaystyle \frac{{\sqrt{\beta }}}{{1+\beta }}

Ans.  (b)


Which of the following is a simple harmonic motion?

(a)  Ball bouncing between two rigid vertical walls

(b)  Particle moving in a circle with uniform speed

(c)   Wave moving through a string fixed at both ends

(d)  Earth spinning about its own axis

Ans.   (c)


Which one of the following statements is true for the speed v and the acceleration a of a particle executing simple harmonic motion?

(a)  When v is maximum, a is maximum

(b)  Value of a is zero, whatever may be the value of v

(c)   When v is zero, a is zero

(d)  When v is maximum, a is zero

Ans.  (d)


A particle executing simple harmonic motion of amplitude 5 cm has maximum speed of 31.4cm/s. The frequency of its oscillation is

(a)  3 Hz           (b)  2 Hz             (c)     4 Hz           (d)      1 Hz

Ans. (d)


The phase (at a time t) of a particle in simple harmonic motion tells:

(a)  Only the position of the particle at time t

(b)  One the direction of motion of the particle at time t

(c)   Both the position and direction of motion of the particle at time t

(d)  Neither the position of the particle nor its direction of motion at time t

Ans. (c)


The displacement of a particle executing SHM is given by y = 0.25 sin 200 t cm. The maximum speed of the particle is        

(a)    200 cm \displaystyle {{\in }_{0}}\,\,L\left( {\frac{{\Delta V}}{{\Delta t}}} \right),         

(b)    100 cm \displaystyle \rho =KL+\frac{{MI}}{\omega },             

(c)     50 cm \frac{{\Delta v}}{{\Delta z}}    

(d)     5.25 cm \eta A\frac{{dv}}{{dz}},

Ans.  (a)


The displacement of a particle executing SHM is given by x = 0.01 sin 100 \displaystyle \eta (t + 0.05). The time period is     

(a) 0.01 s              (b)  0.02 s                     (c)   0.1 s                (d)      0.2 s

Ans.  (b)


A body is vibrating in simple harmonic motion. If its acceleration is 12 cm/s2 at a displacement 3 cm from the mean position, then time period is

(a) 6.28 s              (b)  3.14 s                   (c)   1.57 s                  (d) 2.57

Ans.  (b)


The average acceleration of a particle performing SHM over one complete oscillation is

(a)       \frac{\pi }{2}                                      

(b)       {{\cos }^{{-1}}}(0.6)                         

(c)        zero                               

(d)       {{\tan }^{{-1}}}\left( {\frac{7}{5}} \right)

Ans.  (c)

Practice Questions (JEE Main Level)


A rough horizontal table moves horizontally in SHM, the period being 3 s and the maximum speed 4 m/s. A small heavy mass is placed on the table. Then the least coefficient of friction if the mass does not slide on the table throughout the motion.

(a) m = 0.85                 (b)   m = 0.65            (c)  m = 0.55            (d) m = 0.25

Ans : (a)


In how much time a particle will travel from its mean position to a displacement equal to half of its amplitude undergoing SHM with a time period of 2 seconds.

(a) 2/7s                                           

(b) \displaystyle \frac{1}{6}s                       

(c) 1/2s                                         

(d) 2/3s

Ans : (b)


A person normally weighing 60 kg stands on a platform which oscillates up and down harmonically at a frequency 2.0 sec–1 and an amplitude 5.0 cm. If a machine on the platform gives the person’s weight against time, deduce the maximum and minimum reading it will show, take g = 10 m/sec2.

(a) Maximum reading = 20.3 kg, Minimum reading = 14.7 kg.

(b) Maximum reading = 107.3 kg, Minimum reading = 102.7 kg.

(c) Maximum reading = 107.3 kg, Minimum reading = 12.7 kg.

(d) None

Ans : (c)


Two SHMs are given by y1 = a sin [(p/2)t + f] and \displaystyle \frac{3}{2}P The phase difference between these after 1 sec is:

(a)  p                     (b)  p/2                     (c)   p/4                       (d)  p/6

Ans.  (d)


A body of mass 5 g is executing SHM about a point O with amplitude 100 cm. If its max. velocity is 100 cm/sec, its velocity will be 50 cm/sec at a distance (in cm):

(a)       5     

(b)        \displaystyle \frac{{f\mu \prime \left( {\mu 1} \right)}}{{\left( {\mu \mu \prime } \right)}}

(c)        \displaystyle \frac{{f\left( {\mu \prime \mu } \right)}}{{\mu \prime \left( {\mu 1} \right)}}

(d)        \displaystyle \frac{{\mu \prime \left( {\mu 1} \right)}}{{f\left( {\mu \prime \mu } \right)}}

Ans.  (c)


A horizontal platform is made to execute SHM of amplitude a in the vertical direction. An object placed on the platform will lose contact with it, when the frequency of oscillation exceeds:

(a)      \displaystyle {{\sin }^{{1}}}\left( {\frac{8}{9}} \right)               

(b)      \displaystyle {{I}_{0}}\cos \left( {\frac{x}{\beta }} \right)      

(c)      \displaystyle {{I}_{0}}{{\cos }^{2}}\left( {\frac{x}{\beta }} \right)  

(d)      \displaystyle {{I}_{0}}{{\cos }^{2}}\left( {\frac{{\pi x}}{\beta }} \right)

Ans.  (b)


A particle performs SHM along a straight line with the period T and amplitude A. The mean velocity of the particle averaged over the time interval during which it travels a distance A/2 starting from the extreme position is:

(a)        \displaystyle \left( {\frac{{{{I}_{0}}}}{4}} \right){{\cos }^{2}}\left( {\frac{{\pi x}}{\beta }} \right)               

(b)        \displaystyle \frac{\lambda }{{4(\mu -1)}}

(c)        \displaystyle \frac{\lambda }{{2(\mu -1)}}                        

(d)        \displaystyle \frac{\lambda }{{\mu -1}}

Ans.  (d)


The time period and the amplitude pendulum are 4 second and 0.20 metre respectively. If the displacement is 0.1 m at time t = 0, the equation of its displacement is represented by:

(a)  y = 0.2 sin (0.5pt)                                                    

(b)  y = 0.2 sin (0.5pt)        

(c)   y = 0.1 sin (pt + p/6)                                               

(d)  y = 0.1 sin (0.5pt)

Ans.  (b)


The function sin2 (wt) represents:

(a)  A periodic, but not simple harmonic motion with a period \displaystyle \sqrt{{\frac{{3\lambda D}}{2}}}

(b)  A periodic, but not simple harmonic motion with a period \displaystyle \sqrt{{\lambda D}}

(c)   A simple harmonic motion with a period \displaystyle \sqrt{{\frac{{\lambda D}}{2}}}

(d)  A simple harmonic motion with a period \displaystyle \sqrt{{3\lambda D}}

Ans.  (b)


A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 2 cm. When the particle is at 1 cm from the mean position the magnitude of its velocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then its time period in second is:

(a)      \displaystyle {{\cos }^{{1}}}\sqrt{{\frac{{12}}{{50}}}}   

(b)      \displaystyle \frac{1}{{\sqrt{2}}}m/{{s}^{2}}\,\,towards\,\,northeast           

(c)      \displaystyle \frac{1}{{\sqrt{2}}}m/{{s}^{2}}\,\,towards\,\,northwest          

(d)      \displaystyle 1\text{/}2\,\,m/{{s}^{2}}\,\,towards\,\,northwest

Ans.  (c)


The speed (v) of a particle moving along a straight line, when it is at a distance (x) from a fixed point on the line, is given v2 = 144 – 9x2. Select wrong alternate:

(a)  Displacement of the particle £ distance moved by it

(b)  The magnitude of acceleration at a distance 3 units from the fixed point is 27 units

(c)   The motion is simple harmonic with \displaystyle \frac{{{{E}^{2}}}}{{{{\mu }_{0}}}} units

(d)  The maximum displacement from the fixed point is 4 units

Ans.  (c) 


A body executes SHM whose period is 16 s. Two seconds after it passes the equilibrium position, its velocity is 1 ms-1. The amplitude of SHM is:

(a)  6.3 m                   (b)  1.8 m              (c)     3.6 m                (d)      2.4 m

Ans.  (c)


For a particle in SHM, if the amplitude of the displacement is a and the amplitude of velocity is v, the amplitude of acceleration is

(a)    va 

(b)    \frac{\pi }{4}

(c)      \overset{\to }{\mathop{A}}\,\,\,and\,\,\overset{\to }{\mathop{B}}\,             

(d)      \overset{\to }{\mathop{A}}\,\cdot (\overset{\to }{\mathop{B}}\,\times \overset{\to }{\mathop{A}}\,)

Ans.  (d)


Out of the following functions representing motion of a particle which represents SHM

  1. \overset{\to }{\mathop{A}}\,
  2. \overset{\to }{\mathop{B}}\,
  3. |\overset{\to }{\mathop{A}}\,+\overset{\to }{\mathop{B}}\,|=|\overset{\to }{\mathop{A}}\,-\overset{\to }{\mathop{B}}\,|
  4. \overset{\to }{\mathop{A}}\,=3\hat{i}+4\hat{j}+5\hat{k}

(a) only IV does not represent SHM                       

(b)  I and III                            

(c)  I and II                                                                         

(d)  only I

Ans.  (b)


The displacement time graph of a particle executing SHM is shown in figure. Which of the following statement is false?

(a)  The acceleration is maximum at t = T

(b)  The force is zero at \displaystyle \frac{\pi }{{30\sqrt{2}}}cm/sa

(c)   The potential energy equals the total oscillation energy \displaystyle \vec{P},\,\,\vec{Q},\,\,and\,\,R

(d)  None of the above

Ans.  (d)

Practice Questions (JEE Advance Level)


A body oscillates with SHM, according to the equation

x=\left( {5.0} \right)m cos [(2p rad/s) t + p/4]

At t = 1.5 s, calculate



(a)-2.765 m

(b)2.765 m

(c)3.535 m

(d)-3.535 m

Ans (d)



(a) 2.48 m/s

(b)18.58 m/s

(c)20.67 m/s

(d)22.22 m/s

Ans (d)


acceleration of the body.

(a)130.35 m/s2

(b)132.62 m/s2

(c)139.56 m/s2

(d)150.45 m/s2

Ans (c)


The displacement from equilibrium of a particle is given by x = Acos(w t – p/3). Which, if any, of the following are equivalent expressions

(a) x = Acos(w t + p/3)                                   

(b) x = Asin(wt + p/6)

(c) x = A cos(wt + 5p/3)                                 

(d) x = A sin(wt – 5p/6)

Ans (b) and (c)


Which of the following functions are

(a) aperiodic   (b) periodic but not simple harmonic             (c) simple harmonic

(i) sin 2wt        (ii) 1 + cos 2wt   (iii)  a sin wt + b cos wt    (iv) sin wt + sin 2wt + cos 3wt

(v) sin3wt         (vi) log (1 + wt)           (vii) exp (-wt)

Ans (a) Functions (vi), (vii) are a periodic.

(b)  Functions (ii), (iv) and (v) are periodic but not simple harmonic.

(c)  Functions (i) and (iii) are simple harmonic.


The condition |v| = 0.5 vmax, where vmaxis the maximum speed, occurs four times in each cycle in the oscillation of a block-spring system. Determine the first four time (>0) given that the displacement from equilibrium is x = 0.35 cos(3.6t – 0.5) m.

(a)0.284 s, 0.866 s, 1.16 s,  0.4 s

(b)0.284 s, 0.866 s, 1.16 s,  8.32 s

(c)0.284 s, 0.866 s, 2.3 s,  0.3 s

(d)0.284 s, 0.866 s, 1.16 s,  1.74 s

Ans (d)


A particle of mass m is moving in a force field whose potential energy is given by u =  a + bx2 J/kg. Show that the motion of particle is simple harmonic. Find the frequency in Hz.

(a) \displaystyle \left( {\frac{3}{\pi }\,\,\sqrt{{\frac{a}{5}}}} \right)

(b) \displaystyle \left( {\frac{1}{\pi }\,\,\sqrt{{\frac{a}{2}}}} \right)

(c) \displaystyle \left( {\frac{1}{\pi }\,\,\sqrt{{\frac{a}{3}}}} \right)

(d) \displaystyle \left( {\frac{1}{\pi }\,\,\sqrt{{\frac{a}{2}}}} \right)

Ans (d)


The average speed over the period of a complete oscillation of a particle performing rectilinear SHM is 2 cm/s. If the particle attains this speed when it is at a point P whose distance from the centre O is 4 cm, determine the amplitude

(a)1.125 cm

(b)2.154 cm

(c)0.56 cm

(d)1.075 cm

Ans  (a)


A particle in SHM is described by the displacement function

x=A\cos \left( {\omega t+\varphi } \right),   w = 2p/T

If the initial (t = 0) position of the particle is 1 cm and its initial velocity is p cm/s, what are its amplitude and initial phase angle? The angular frequency of the particle is p s-1.





Ans (c)


A spring balance has a scale that reads 50 kg. The length of the scale is 20 cm. A body suspended from this spring, when displaced and released, oscillates with period of 0.60 s. What is the weight of the body?

(a)219.1 N = 21.04 kgf

(b)219.1 N = 20.03 kgf

(c)219.1 N = 22.36 kgf

(d)219.1 N = 25.55 kgf

Ans (c)