Video Lecture

Theory For Notes Making

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Objective Assignment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Subjective Assignment


A circular brass loop of radius a and resistance R is placed with its plane perpendicular to a magnetic field, which varies with time as \displaystyle B\,=\,{{B}_{0}}\,\sin \,\omega t. Obtain the expression for the induced current in the loop.


State the working of a.c. generator with the help of a labeled diagram. The coil of an a.c. generator having N turns, each of area A, is rotated with a constant angular velocity .  Deduce the expression for the alternating e.m.f. generated © the coil.  What is the source of energy generation in this device ?


A circular coil of radius 8.0 cm and 20 turns is rotated about its vertical diameter with an angular speed of 50 rad s–1 in a uniform horizontal magnetic field of magnitude
3.0 × 10–2 T. Obtain the maximum and average emf induced in the coil. If the coil forms a closed loop of resistance 10 Ω, calculate the maximum value of current in the coil. Calculate the average power loss due to Joule heating. Where does this power come from?

Ans. \displaystyle {{\varepsilon }_{{\max }}}\,=\,0.603\,v


Created on By physicscart

Induced Emf In a Rotating Coil and A.C Generator(Basic Level)

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In electromagnetic induction, the induced e.m.f. in a coil is independent of

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A copper ring is held horizontally and a bar magnet is dropped through the ring with its length along the axis of the ring. The acceleration of the falling magnet while it is passing through the ring is

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A metallic ring is attached with the wall of a room. When the north pole of a magnet is brought near to it, the induced current in the ring will be

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A rectangular coil of 300 turns has an average area of average area of 25cm x 10cm The coil rotates with a speed of 50 cps in a uniform magnetic field of strength 4x10^-2 T about an axis perpendicular of the field. The peak value of the induced e.m.f. is (in volt) 

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A moving conductor coil in a magnetic field produces an induced e.m.f. This is in accordance with

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induce an e.m.f. in a coil, the linking magnetic flux

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The magnetic field in a coil of 100 turns and 40 square cm area is increased from 1 Tesla to 6 Tesla in 2 second. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the coil. The e.m.f. generated in it is

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A coil has 2000 turns and area of 70cm^2 . The magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the coil is 0.3wb/m^2 and takes 0.1sec to rotate through 180. The value of the induced e.m.f. will be

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A 50 turns circular coil has a radius of 3cm, it is kept in a magnetic field acting normal to the area of the coil. The magnetic field  increased from 0.10 tesla to 0.35 tesla in 2 milliseconds. The average induced e.m.f. in the coil is

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A coil of area 100cm^2  has 500 turns. Magnetic field of 0.1 weber/m^2 is perpendicular to the coil. The field is reduced to zero in 0.1 second. The induced e.m.f. in the coil is

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