Video Lectures

Theory For Notes Making

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Objective Assignment


A block slides down an inclined plane of slope angle q with constant velocity. It is then projected up the same plane with an initial velocity vo. How far up the incline will it move before coming to rest.

(a)\frac{{v_{o}^{3}}}{{4g\sin \theta }}

(b)\frac{{v_{o}^{5}}}{{4g\sin \theta }}

(c)\frac{{v_{o}^{2}}}{{4g\sin \theta }}

(d)\frac{{v_{o}^{2}}}{{4g\cos \theta }}

Ans (c)

Comprehension Based Question (2 to 4)

Block A of mass m and block B of mass 2m are placed on a fixed triangular wedge  by means of a massless, inextensible string and a frictionless pulley as shown in figure. The wedge is inclined at 45° to the horizontal on both sides. The coefficient of friction between block A and the wedge is 2/3 and that between block and the wedge is 1/3. If the system of A and B is released from rest, find


the acceleration of A





Ans (c)


tension in the string, and (a)

(a) (3√2/3) mg

(b)(2√2/3) mg

(c)(2√2/7) mg

(d)(5√2/2) mg

Ans (b)


The magnitude and direction of the force of friction acting on A.





Ans (d)

Subjective Assignment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Created on By physicscart

Friction (Basic Level)

1 / 10

A block is lying on an inclined plane which makes 60° with the horizontal. If coefficient of friction between block and plane is 0.25 and g=10\,m/{{s}^{2}}, then acceleration of the block when it moves along the plane will be

2 / 10

A box is placed on an inclined plane and has to be pushed down. The angle of inclination is

3 / 10

Starting from rest, a body slides down a 45° inclined plane in twice the time it takes to slide down the same distance in the absence of friction. The coefficient of friction between the body and the inclined plane is

4 / 10

A block is at rest on an inclined plane making an angle  with the horizontal. As the angle \alpha of the incline is increased, the block starts slipping when the angle of inclination becomes \theta . The coefficient  of static friction between the block and the surface of the inclined plane is or A body starts sliding down at an angle  to horizontal. Then coefficient of friction is equal to

5 / 10

A block of mass 5 kg is on a rough horizontal surface and is at rest. Now a force of 24 N is imparted to it with negligible impulse. If the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.4 and g=9.8\,m/{{s}^{2}}, then the acceleration of the block is

6 / 10

A block A with mass 100 kg is resting on another block B of mass 200 kg.  As shown in figure a horizontal rope tied to a wall holds it.  The coefficient of friction between A and B is 0.2 while coefficient of friction between B and the ground is 0.3. The minimum required force F to start moving B will be

7 / 10

The blocks A and B are arranged as shown in the figure. The pulley is frictionless. The mass of A is 10 kg. The coefficient of friction of A with the horizontal surface is 0.20. The minimum mass of B to start the motion will be

8 / 10

A block of 1 kg is stopped against a wall by applying a force F perpendicular to the wall. If \mu =0.2 then minimum value of F will be

9 / 10

The blocks A and B are arranged as shown in the figure. The pulley is frictionless. The mass of A is 10 kg. The coefficient of friction of A with the horizontal surface is 0.20. The minimum mass of B to start the motion will be

10 / 10

Which one of the following statements is correct

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