Introduction Of Chapter

In the chapter on Oscillation we studied a number of systems that contains a single mass which is executing simple harmonic motion. We calculated their time period, velocity, acceleration and energy etc. during SHM. But now in   this   chapter    we   will    extend   our   study  to  a   mechanical   system  (material medium) where a number of masses ( particles) are bound together by elastic forces and undergoes simple harmonic motion  in a coordinated and predefined manner. 

You must have seen that if anybody puts a stone in the calm water how ripples are produced that appear to move outward from the place where stone touches the water surface. Scientifically a stone produces some disturbance in the water surface and provide energy to the particles of water, now this energy moves forward through the water surface and the water particles simply oscillate about their resting location. This moving energy is actually a Wave. Hence a wave is a energy carrier. 

We will study different types of waves in this chapter. And also find different physical quantities associated with a wave like their velocity, equation of displacement of its particles , intensity etc. through mathematical calculations. 

Another interesting and important part of this chapter will be the phenomena of Interference , Beats and Stationary waves which arise as a result of superposition of waves