Introduction Of Chapter

In this chapter we are going to study the effects of change in temperature on a body or a system. When the temperature of a system changes different types of phenomena may occur like thermal expansion, heat transfer through conduction, convection and radiation. Also in the part of calorimetry we will see that how the heat exchange take place when two bodies say two liquids or one liquid and other solid are mixed at different temperatures.

We frequently observe that most things enlarge when heated and shrink when cooled. A change in a body’s temperature changes the dimensions of it. The dimension may be length , area or volume . This change in dimension dur to change in temperature of the body is referred as Thermal expansion.

Example of this is the rise or fall of mercury in a thermometer’s when it  is placed in a moderately heated liquid or taking out of it.

Everyone of us have noticed the change in wind speed and direction in different seasons , this is an example of the convection that take place due to heating of earth through solar radiations that produces change in temperature at different places on the earth

 All of us knows that when water is placed on a burner in a stainless steel container, it starts heating because of the flow of heat through the base of the container through the process called conduction

Now, `how’ and `why’  behind  these phenomena of heat transfer , thermal conduction and other process will be discussed in this chapter.