Subjective Assignment



Given n resistors each of resistance B. how will you combine them to get the

(i) maximum, and

(ii) minimum effective resistance? What is the ratio of the maximum to minimum resistance?

Ans : (i) In Series, (ii) In Parallel. , n2


A cell of emf 2 volts is connected to three resistance in series of  2 \displaystyle \Omega , 3 \displaystyle \Omega , and 4 \displaystyle \Omega . Find the potential difference across  3 \displaystyle \Omega  resistance.

Ans: 2/3 volt


Two resistance are joined in parallel and give  resultant of 6/5 \displaystyle \Omega . Now one of the resistance is broken  and the effective resistance becomes  2 \displaystyle \Omega . Find the resistance of the broken wire.

Ans : 3 W


A battery of emf 1.4volt and internal resistance 2 \displaystyle \Omega is connected to resistance of 100 \displaystyle \Omega   through an ammeter. The resistance of the ammeter is 4/3 \displaystyle \Omega . A voltmeter has been connected to find the potential difference across the resistor.

(a) Draw the circuit diagram.

(b) The ammeter reads 0.02A.What is the resistance of  voltmeter ?

(c) The voltmeter reads 1.1volt.What is the error in the reading ?

Ans : (b) 200W ,(c) 0.2volt


A battery of emf 5volts,10W is connected to a combination of 50W and 40W in series. A voltmeter of resistance of 1000W is connected across 40.Find the percentage error in the reading of the voltmeter and the current  drawn from the battery.

Ans : 25%


When n identical resistance are connected in series their net resistance is x. Find the net resistance if all these resistance are connected in parallel.

Ans : x/n2 .


Find the reading of the ammeter and voltmeter in the following circuit.

Ans : 0.206 Amp , 69.96 volt


Find the current passing through the battery in the  circuit

Ans : 1.56 amp


In the circuit  a voltmeter reads 30V when it is connected across 400ohm resistance. Calculate the reading of the same voltmeter when it is connected across 300 ohm resistance.


Ans : 22.5 volt


A battery of 2 volt is connected across two points of a circular wire of resistance 10 ohm. Find the current passing through the battery in each case.


Ans : 16/15 amp , 0.8 amp


A potential difference of 220 volt is maintained  across a 12000 \displaystyle \Omega rheostat. The voltmeter  `V’ has a resistance of 6000 \displaystyle \Omega and point C is at  one-fourth of the distance from A to B. What is the reading of the voltmeter.

Ans:  40 volt


In the circuit  shown  it is given that the potential difference between P and Q  is 1volt. Calculate the value of the resistance R.

Ans : 25 \displaystyle \Omega


Find the equivalent resistance of the following circuit. Also find the potential difference between the points will this change if 40W resistance is disconnected ?


Ans : 20 volt


Find the reading of the voltmeter and ammeter in the following  circuit.   


Ans : 187.5 volt , 9.3 amp


N sources of currents with different emf are connected as shown.The emf of each source is proportional to their internal resistance r  and is given by  E = kr . Where a is a constant. Find the potential difference between A and B which divide the circuit between n and  N-n sources and also find the current in the circuit.


Ans : zero , k


Find the current passing through the battery in the following circuit.


Ans : 0.08 amp


You are given two resistors X and Y whose resistances are to be determined using an ammeter of resistance 0.5 \displaystyle \Omega  and a voltmeter of resistance 20 k \displaystyle \Omega . It is known that X is in the range of a few ohms, while Y is in the range of several thousand ohms. In each case, which of the following two connections would you choose for resistance measurement?.


A battery of e.m.f. 9 V and negli­gible internal resistance is connected to a 3 k \displaystyle \Omega resistor. The potential drop across a part of the resistor (between points A and B in the figure) is measured by (a) a 20 k \displaystyle \Omega voltmeter, (b) a 1 k \displaystyle \Omega voltmeter. In (c) both the voltmeters are connected across AB. In which case would you get the (1) highest, (2) lowest reading?