Motion In A Straight Line

Introduction Of Chapter

Everything in the universe is in motion. When We walk, run, ride bicycle , use automobiles and planes for transportation, all involve different types of motion. We’ll learn how to explain motion in this chapter

Motion is defined as a change in an object’s position over time. What happens to the position over time? . We construct the notions of velocity and acceleration in order to explain motion. In this chapter We’ll limit ourselves to the study of rectilinear motion, or the motion of objects along a straight line. A set of simple equations can be obtained for rectilinear motion with uniform acceleration. Finally, we introduce the concept of relative velocity to better grasp the relative character of motion.

Objects in motion will be treated as point objects in our discussions. This estimate holds true as long as the object’s size is substantially lower than the distance it travels in an acceptable amount of time. In many real-life scenarios, the size of objects can be ignored and they can be treated as point-like objects with little inaccuracy. Even the train or an Aeroplan can be considered as a point object when they move between two states of a country . 

In this chapter we will discuss only Kinematics of straight line motion. In Kinematics, we study ways to describe motion without going into the cause of motion. What causes motion?
Actually different types of motion may have different cause but  in simplest language we can say that a FORCE (a push or pull) is required to produce motion. So in kinematics we are not going to consider the forces acting on the body during motion but we will deal with the other aspects like DISPLACEMENT,VELOCITY and ACCELERATION etc of the body.