Motion In A Straight Line

Introduction Of Chapter

In the universe, everything is in motion. We engage in various forms of motion as we drive, walk, run, ride a bicycle, and take flights. This chapter will teach us how to explain motion. 

An object is said to be in motion when its position changes over time. How does the position change over time? In order to understand motion, we create the concepts of acceleration and velocity. We’ll confine our study of motion in this chapter to that of rectilinear motion, or motion in a straight line. For rectilinear motion with uniform acceleration, a set of basic equations can be found. Ultimately, we present the notion of relative velocity to enhance our understanding of the relative nature of motion.   

We will just cover the kinematics of straight line motion in this chapter. In kinematics, we investigate methods for describing motion without going into its cause. Motion is caused by what?
In actuality, different forms of motion may have distinct causes, but to put it simply, motion requires a FORCE, such as a push or pull. Thus, in kinematics, we will address the other properties of the body, such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration, instead of the forces acting on it while it is in motion.