Introduction Of Chapter

The natural world is full of magnetic events like Arora Borealis lights , protection of humen life from solar winds etc.

Before human evolution, there was magnetism in the universe as well as on earth, This thing was proved by the discovery of magnetic ore as early as 600 BC,  on the Greek island of Magnesia, which is where the word “magnet” originates.

Electric currents or moving charges can create magnetic fields, as we discovered in the last chapter. It is believed that Oersted, Ampere, Biot, and Savart were among those responsible for this discovery, which was made in the early 1800s.
Now the topic of magnetism and metter will be examined in this chapter.

We start by explaining the behaviour of a bar magnet in an external magnetic field. Also we will see that similar to Gauss’s law of electrostatics there is the magnetic law of Gauss that proves the non existance of monoples in magnetism. The main part of this chapter is the description of the earth’s magnetic field. 

The way in which materials can be categorised according to their magnetic characteristics is what follows in the dia-, para-, and ferromagnetism. A section on electromagnets and permanent magnets completes the discussion.