Video Lecture

Theory For Notes Making

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Objective Assignment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Subjective Assignment


Obtain an expression for the frequency of oscillations when a capacitor discharges itself through an inductor.


In an LC Oscillatory circuit without resistance

(i) Find the equation of instantaneous charge on the capacitor

(ii)  Find the equation of instantaneous current in the circuit

(iii)Prove that at any instant the total energy in the circuit is equal to the initial energy stored in the capacitor.


A 10 mF capacitor is charged to a 25 volt of potential. The battery is then disconnected and pure 100 mH coil is connected across the capacitor so that LC oscillations are set up. Calculate max. current in the coil.

Ans. 0.25 A


A charged 30 mF capacitor is connected to a 27 mH inductor. What is the angular frequency of free oscillations of the circuit?

Ans. 1.1´103 rad/s


find the natural frequency of a circuit containing inductance of 100 mH and a capacity of 0.01 mF. To which wavelength, its response will be maximum? For how long will the oscillations continue?

Ans. 159.2 kHz, 1.884´103 m, ¥


A 20 mF capacitor is charged to 30 V potential. The battery is then disconnected and a 200 mH coil is connected across it so that LC oscillations are set up. Calculate the frequency of the oscillations set up and the maximum current in the coil.

Ans. 79.6 hz, 0.3 A


A 1.5 mF capacitor is charged to 57 volt. The charging battery is then disconnected and a 12 mH coil is connected across the capacitor so that LC oscillations occur. If resistance in the circuit is zero, what is the maximum value of current in the coil?

Ans. 637.2 mA


A coil of 10mH is connected to a charged capacitor of 25 micro farad with an initial charge of 20mC. At t=0 the circuit is closed. If T is the time period of oscillation of charges in the circuit, then find

(i) Time period of oscillations T

(ii)Maximum energy in the circuit

(iii) Time instants at which all the energy of the circuit is electrical

(iv) Time instants at which all the energy of the circuit is magnetic

(v) ) Time instants at which the energy of the circuit is half electrical and half magnetic

(vi) Current in the circuit when the charge on the capacitor is half of its maximum value.

(vii) If a resistance of 1000 ohm is inserted in the circuit ,how much energy will eventually be dissipated as heat.


Created on By physicscart

L-C Oscillatory Circuit (Basic Level)

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