Introduction Of Chapter

We encounter many different motions in our daily lives. Some of them are non-repetitive, like rectilinear motion and projectile motion, however some are repetitive  after a specific amount of time and are called periodic motion like uniform circular motion , planets’ angular and orbital motion in the solar system etc.

Also we come across another type of repetitive motion that is called oscillatory motion in which the body moves too and fro about a mean position, like swings , hands of a person while walking etc .Despite being repetitious in nature, these actions are different from the Planetary motion that is regular.

With some conditions of acceleration the oscillatory motion become simple harmonic motion like the case of a simple pendulum which when oscillates freely its motion is repetitive, periodic and at the same time simple harmonic also.

In this chapter we are going to study the kinematics as well as dynamics of simple harmonic motion and learn in detail about the physical quantities involved to describe a simple harmonic motion and different way of finding time periods of different systems executing simple harmonic motion.