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Introduction Of Chapter

Fluids are substances that can flow, such as gases and liquids. This characteristic is what establishes a fundamental distinction between liquids, gases, and solids. 

There are fluids everywhere around us. Earth’s atmosphere is made of gases whereas about 71% of earth’s surface is covered with water. Fluids are essential for all forms of life . Thus Understanding the characteristics and behaviour of fluids is important.

Unlike a solid a fluid doesn’t have a definite shape of its own .A gas fills the whole volume of its container, unlike solids and liquids, which have a set volume. Stress can alter a solid’s volume, as we discovered in the last chapter. The stress or pressure applied on a solid, liquid, or gas determines its volume.   The volume change caused by a change in external pressure is much less pronounced for solids and liquids unlike gases. In other words, solids and liquids are substantially less compressible than gases.

One of the main characteristic of fluids is their relatively low resistance to shear stress, This means that the fluids cannot withstand shearing forces.

In this chapter we will study some laws and theorems which are given by different scientists like Pascal , Archimedes , Bernoulli etc. related to static and flowing liquids and gases.