Albert Einstein 

(14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955)

One of the best and most influential physicists of all time, Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who was born in Germany. The theory of relativity is what Einstein is most famous for, although he also made significant contributions to the theory of quantum mechanics.
Even among those who are unfamiliar with the physics behind it, the equation E = mc2 that the scientist developed to assist explain special theory of relativity is well-known. In addition, Einstein is renowned for the photoelectric effect, which explains how electrons behave under specific conditions, and his theory of general relativity, which provides an explanation for gravity. The latter achievement earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

Projectile Motion & Circular Motion

Introduction Of Chapter

In the previous chapter The terms displacement, velocity, and acceleration are used to describe an object’s motion in a straight line. We discovered that these variables are associated with direction. Hence they are called vectors.

In One dimension motion there can be only two possibilities o direction like forward or backward which can be taken care with +ve and -ve sign.

Whereas in two dimensional motion an object moves in a plane so it’s conceivable to go in several directions.

A plane may be described as a flat surface that contains two of the axis say x & y or y & z or x & z as shown below.

A body is said to be in two dimensional motion when it moves in a plane such that its two coordinates will change during the motion. For example when a body moves in x-y plane its x and y coordinates will change. Practical example of two dimensional motion may be a projectile motion and a circular motion in a plane. 

Whereas in 3 dimensional motion the body moves in space in such a way that all three coordinates will change during motion. Practical example may be a beautiful butterfly flying in space and a kite flying in the sky. In both the cases no coordinate will remain fixed but all coordinates will keep on changing 

In this chapter we are going to study about Vectors, Projectile Motion and Circular Motion in detail.