Introduction Of Chapter

For a very long time, magnetism and electricity were thought to be unconnected and distinct phenomena. Later on in the early nineteenth century Oersted, Ampere, and a few others demonstrated by experiments that electricity and magnetism are connected. They discovered that magnetic fields are created by moving electric charges. 

Now the question came to the mind of scientists that Is it feasible for the opposite effect to occur?

Can electric currents be generated by moving magnets? 

The experiments were carried out about 1830 by Joseph Henry in the USA and Michael Faraday in England that proved that changing magnetic fields could create electric currents in closed coils. 

The pioneering experiments of Faraday and Henry have led directly to the development of modern day generators and transformers. Today’s civilisation owes its progress to a great extent to the discovery of electromagnetic induction.

In this chapter we will study the fundamental ideas behind the phenomena related to varying magnetic fields that produces electric field or current . The phenomena will be known as Electromagnetic induction.