Subjective Assignment



Name the instrument that can measure the e.m.f. of a cell.


Why the battery used in the main circuit of the potentiometer should have high emf than that of the cells whose emf is required ?


Which instrument will you use to measure e.m.f . of a cell and why ?


How the potentiometer can be used to

(a) find the ratio of emf of two cells

(b) find the internal resistance of a cell.


A potentiometer wire has a length of 200cm and it is connected to a source of 2volts.Find the potential gradient across the wire and also the length required to balance a source of emf  0.85 volts.


A potentiometer balance an emf of  1.2volts with a length of  130cm. Find the potential gradient across the wire and the emf of the source connected in the circuit if the length of the wire is 300cm.


A source of emf 2volts is used in the main circuit of a potentiometer  used to find the internal resistance of a cell  of 1.5volts.The balance point of the cell in an open  circuit is 76.3cm.When a resistance of 9.5W is used in the external circuit of the cell, the balance point is shifted to 64.8cm. Determine the internal resistance of  the cell.


A potentiometer has a wire of length 200cm and resistance of 10W.It is connected to an external resistance of  990W in series and a battery of 1.2volt is applied in the circuit. Find the potential gradient across the wire and the length of the wire required to balance an emf of 0.2mVolt.


A potentiometer wire has a length of 100cm and a resistance of 10W.It is connected to an external resistance in series and a cell of emf 2V.A source of emf 10mV is balanced by a length of 40 cm of this wire. Find the value of external resistance.


A potentiometer wire has a uniform cross-section of 10-2m2 a length of 100cm and resistivity of  0.001Wm. It is connected with an external resistance in series and a battery.If a potential gradient of 25mV/cm is existing in the wire then find the external resistance if  emf of the battery used in the main circuit is 1.2V.


The figure illustrates a potentiometeric circuit by means of which we can vary a voltage V applied to a certain device possessing a resistance R. The potentiometer has a length l and a resistance Ro and a voltage Vo is applied  to its terminals.Find the voltage  V fed to the device as a function of distance x.Analyse separately the case  R>>Ro.