Video Lecture

Theory For Notes Making

Application of Dimensional Analysis

 There are mainly three applications of dimensional analysis.

  1.   To check the correctness of a equation,
  2.   To convert one system of units into other
  3.   To find relation between different physical quantities

To check the dimensional correctness of a given physical relation :

This is based on the principle of homogeneity. According to this principle the dimensions of each term on both sides of an equation must be the same. It is based on the fact that only similar quantities can be added or subtracted.

For example consider an equation If Y=P\pm {{(Q)}^{{1/2}}}\pm \sqrt{{(D+E)F}},

Where Y, P, Q, D, E and F are some physical quantities. Then according to principle of homogeneity all terms on RHS like P, Q1/2, \sqrt{{(D+E)F}} must have same dimensions, and also the dimensions of Y must also be same.

Hence   [Y] = [P] = [Q1/2] = [\sqrt{{(D+E)F}}]

If the dimensions of each term on both sides are same, the equation is dimensionally correct, otherwise not. But Note that a dimensionally correct equation may or may not be physically correct.

Example :

(i) F=m{{v}^{2}}/{{r}^{2}}

By substituting dimension of the physical quantities in the above relation, [ML{{T}^{{-2}}}]=[M]{{[L{{T}^{{-1}}}]}^{2}}/{{[L]}^{2}}

i.e. [ML{{T}^{{-2}}}]=[M{{T}^{{-2}}}]

As in the above equation dimensions of both sides are not same; this formula is not correct dimensionally, so can never be physically correct

(ii) S=ut+(1/2)a{{t}^{2}}

By substituting dimension of the physical quantities in the above relation

 [L] = [LT–1][T] + [LT–2][T2]

i.e.  [L] = [L] + [L]

As in the above equation dimensions of each term on both sides are same, so this equation is dimensionally correct.

(iii) Look at the equation : \displaystyle {{v}^{2}}={{u}^{2}}+2as        

Dimensions of \displaystyle {{v}^{2}}:[{{L}^{2}}{{T}^{{-2}}}]

Dimensions of \displaystyle {{u}^{2}}:[{{L}^{2}}{{T}^{{-2}}}]

Dimensions of \displaystyle 2as:[L{{T}^{{-2}}}][L]=[{{L}^{2}}{{T}^{{-2}}}]

The equation \displaystyle {{v}^{2}}={{u}^{2}}+2as is dimensionally consistent, or dimensionally correct.

 To convert one system of units to other :

The measure of a physical quantity is  `nu’  where n is the numerical value and u be the units of the physical quantity. Because we are finding the equivalent value in second system means nu remains constant in the two systems and hence nu = constant

If a physical quantity X has dimensional formula [MaLbTc] and if (derived) units of that physical quantity in two systems are [M_{1}^{a}L_{1}^{b}T_{1}^{c}] and [M_{2}^{a}L_{2}^{b}T_{2}^{c}] respectively and n1 and n2 be the numerical values in the two systems respectively, then {{n}_{1}}[{{u}_{1}}]={{n}_{2}}[{{u}_{2}}]

Þ {{n}_{1}}[M_{1}^{a}L_{1}^{b}T_{1}^{c}]={{n}_{2}}[M_{2}^{a}L_{2}^{b}T_{2}^{c}]

Þ {{n}_{2}}={{n}_{1}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{M}_{1}}}}{{{{M}_{2}}}}} \right]}^{a}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{L}_{1}}}}{{{{L}_{2}}}}} \right]}^{b}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{T}_{1}}}}{{{{T}_{2}}}}} \right]}^{c}}

where M1, L1 and T1­ are fundamental units of mass, length and time in the first (known) system and M2, L2 and T2 are fundamental units of mass, length and time in the second (unknown) system. Thus knowing the values of fundamental units in two systems and numerical value in one system, the numerical value in other system may be evaluated.

Example :

(i) conversion of 1newton into dyne.

The newton is the S.I. unit of force and has dimensional formula [MLT–2].

So 1 N = 1 kg-m/ sec2

By using   {{n}_{2}}={{n}_{1}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{M}_{1}}}}{{{{M}_{2}}}}} \right]}^{a}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{L}_{1}}}}{{{{L}_{2}}}}} \right]}^{b}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{T}_{1}}}}{{{{T}_{2}}}}} \right]}^{c}}

=1\,{{\left[ {\frac{{kg}}{{gm}}} \right]}^{1}}\,{{\left[ {\frac{m}{{cm}}} \right]}^{1}}{{\left[ {\frac{{sec}}{{sec}}} \right]}^{{-2}}}

=1\,{{\left[ {\frac{{{{{10}}^{3}}gm}}{{gm}}} \right]}^{1}}\,{{\left[ {\frac{{{{{10}}^{2}}cm}}{{cm}}} \right]}^{1}}{{\left[ {\frac{{sec}}{{sec}}} \right]}^{{-2}}}

\ 1 N = 105 dyne

(ii) Conversion of gravitational constant (G) from C.G.S. to M.K.S. system

The value of G in C.G.S. system is 6.67 ´ 10–8 C.G.S. units while its dimensional formula is [M–1L3T–2]

So G = 6.67 ´ 10–8 cm3/g s2 

By using {{n}_{2}}={{n}_{1}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{M}_{1}}}}{{{{M}_{2}}}}} \right]}^{a}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{L}_{1}}}}{{{{L}_{2}}}}} \right]}^{b}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{T}_{1}}}}{{{{T}_{2}}}}} \right]}^{c}}

=6.67\times {{10}^{{-8}}}{{\left[ {\frac{{gm}}{{kg}}} \right]}^{{-1}}}{{\left[ {\frac{{cm}}{m}} \right]}^{3}}{{\left[ {\frac{{sec}}{{sec}}} \right]}^{{-2}}}

=6.67\times {{10}^{{-8}}}{{\left[ {\frac{{gm}}{{{{{10}}^{3}}gm}}} \right]}^{{-1}}}{{\left[ {\frac{{cm}}{{{{{10}}^{2}}cm}}} \right]}^{3}}{{\left[ {\frac{{sec}}{{sec}}} \right]}^{{-2}}}

=6.67\times {{10}^{{-11}}}

\  G =  6.67 ´ 10–11 M.K.S. units

To find relation between different physical quantities:

If one knows the dependency of a physical quantity on other quantities and if the dependency is of the product type, then using the method of dimensional analysis, relation between the quantities can be derived.

Example :

(i) Let’s find the relation for the time period of a simple pendulum.

Let time period of a simple pendulum is a function of mass of the bob (m), effective length (l), acceleration due to gravity (g) then assuming the function to be product of power function of m, l and g 

Hence \displaystyle T\propto {{m}^{x}}{{l}^{y}}{{g}^{z}}

i.e., T=K{{m}^{x}}{{l}^{y}}{{g}^{z}}  ….(1)

where K = dimensionless constant

Now lets substitute the dimensions of each quantity. 

[T] = [M]x [L]y [LT–2]z       

or     [M0 L0 T1]  = [ Mx Ly+z T–2z ]

For equation to be correct the dimensions must be same on LHS and RHS . Hence we equate the dimensions (powers) of similar quantities in LHS and RHS

On equating powers of M we get x = 0,

On equating powers of L  we get y+z = 0

and on equating powers of T we get  -2z = 1   or z= -1/2,

since y+z = 0 on putting z=-1/2 we get y= 1/2.

Now we put back these values of x, y, z in equation (1)

So the required physical relation becomes T=K\sqrt{{\frac{l}{g}}}

The value of dimensionless constant is found (2p ) through experiments so T=2\pi \sqrt{{\frac{l}{g}}}

(ii) Find a relation for the viscous force acting on a spherical body of radius `r’, moving with a speed  `v’  through a liquid of coefficient of viscosity `h

So  F = f (h, r, v

hence \displaystyle F\propto {{\eta }^{x}}{{r}^{y}}{{v}^{z}}

or    F=K{{\eta }^{x}}{{r}^{y}}{{v}^{z}} …. (2)

where K is dimensionless constant.

If the above relation is dimensionally correct


or [ML{{T}^{{-2}}}]=[{{M}^{x}}{{L}^{{-x+y+z}}}{{T}^{{-x-z}}}]

Equating the powers of similar quantities

x = 1;   – x + y + z = 1  and  – xz = – 2

Solving these for x, y and z, we get x = y = z = 1, Now put back these values in equation(2)

we get    F = Khr v

On experimental grounds, K = 6p; so  F = 6phrv

This is the famous Stoke’s law.

Limitations of Dimensional Analysis

Although dimensional analysis is very useful but it has some limitations as given below

(1) If dimensions are given, physical quantity may not be unique as many physical quantities have same dimensions. For example if the dimensional formula of a physical quantity is [M{{L}^{2}}{{T}^{{-2}}}]it may be work or energy or torque.

(2) Numerical constant having no dimensions [K] such as (1/2), 1 or 2p etc. cannot be deduced by the methods of dimensions.

(3) The method of dimensions can not be used to derive relations other than product of power functions. For example,

s=u\,t+\,(1/2)\,a\,{{t}^{2}} or y=a\sin \omega \,t

cannot be derived by using this theory (try if you can). However, the dimensional correctness of these can be checked.

(4) The method of dimensions cannot be applied to derive formula if in mechanics a physical quantity depends on more than 3 physical quantities as then there will be less number (= 3) of equations than the unknowns (>3). However still we can check correctness of the given equation dimensionally. For example T=2\pi \sqrt{{{I}/{{mgl}}\;}}can not be derived by theory of dimensions but its dimensional correctness can be checked.

(5) Even if a physical quantity depends on 3 physical quantities, out of which two have same dimensions, the formula cannot be derived by theory of dimensions, e.g., formula for the frequency of a tuning fork f=(d/{{L}^{2}})\,v cannot be derived by theory of dimensions but can be checked.


Using the method of dimensions, find the acceleration of a particle moving with a constant speed v in a circle of radius r.



Assuming that the acceleration of a particle depends on v and r

                        a a vx ry

                Þ      a = k vx ry      ….. (i)  

                        Now as we know dimensions of acceleration (a) = M°LT2

                        and dimensions of velocity (v) = M°LT1

                        dimension of radius (r) = M°LT°

                        Putting all three dimensions  in (1), we get

                        M°LT2 = (M°LT1)x (M°LT°)y

                        M°LT2 = M° Lx + y Tx

                        Comparing the powers, we get

                        x + y = 1

                        x = 2

                        \ y = 1-2 = -1

                        \ from equation (i) a = k v2r1

                        \displaystyle a=\frac{{k{{v}^{2}}}}{r}



In the expression \displaystyle \left( {P+\frac{a}{{{{v}^{2}}}}} \right)(v-b)=RT

 P is pressure and V is the volume. Calculate the dimensions of a and b.


Only physical quantities having same dimensions are added or subtracted. So \displaystyle \frac{a}{{{{v}^{2}}}} has the same dimensions as that of pressure.

                        As pressure = \displaystyle \frac{{Force}}{{Area}}

                        Dimensions of pressure \displaystyle =\frac{{ML{{T}^{{-2}}}}}{{{{L}^{2}}}}=M{{L}^{{-1}}}{{T}^{{-2}}}

                        \ Dimensions of \displaystyle \frac{a}{{{{v}^{2}}}}=M{{L}^{{-1}}}{{T}^{{-2}}}

                        Dimensions of a \displaystyle =M{{L}^{{-1}}}{{T}^{{-2}}}{{({{V}^{3}})}^{2}}

                        \displaystyle =(M{{L}^{{-1}}}{{T}^{{-2}}}){{({{L}^{3}})}^{2}}

                        \displaystyle =M{{L}^{{-1}}}{{T}^{{-2}}}{{L}^{6}}=M{{L}^{5}}{{T}^{{-2}}}

                        Similarly dimensions of b is same as that of volume.

                        Dimensions of  \displaystyle b={{M}^{0}}{{L}^{3}}{{T}^{0}}.


Illustration   Does \displaystyle {{S}_{{nth}}}=u+\frac{a}{2}(n-1) dimensionally correct?



Yes, this expression is dimensionally correct, yet it appears to be incorrect. As we are taking it to be for nth second. Here one second is divided through the equation. 


A displacement of a particle is given by equation y = A sin wt, where y is in metres and A is also in metres, t is in seconds. What are the dimensions of w.


As the angles are always dimensionless, so

                        wt = dimensionless quantity

                        Dimensions of wt = [M°L°T°]    

                        Hence  [w].[ T ] = [M°L°T°]

                       therefore dimensions of w = {M°L°T1]


If density r, acceleration due to gravity g and frequency f are the basic quantities, find the dimensions of force.


Solution:          We know that            [r] = ML3,         [g] = LT2           [ f ] = T1

\displaystyle F\propto {{\rho }^{x}}{{g}^{y}}{{f}^{z}}            

hence   \displaystyle F=K{{\rho }^{x}}{{g}^{y}}{{f}^{z}}        …(A)

Now we put dimensions of each quantity

we get  \displaystyle [ML{{T}^{{-2}}}]={{[M{{L}^{{-3}}}]}^{x}}\text{ }{{[L{{T}^{{-2}}}]}^{y}}\text{ }{{[{{T}^{{-1}}}]}^{z}}

Now as usual  equating powers of M,L,T on LHS and RHS we can find the values of x,y,z. Which are

x=1 , y=4 , z=-6. On substituting these values in equation (A) we find the dimensions of force in terms of r,g,f.

Hence  \displaystyle F=K\rho {{g}^{4}}{{f}^{{-6}}}

therefore the dimensions of F=[rg4f-6]


If force, length and time would have been the fundamental units what would have been the dimensional formula for mass.

Solution          Let   M = K FLTz                                   ….(B) 

                      Put the dimensions in both the sides

                               [M]  =  [MLT2]x [L]y [T]z

                or            [ML0T0] = [M]x [L](x+y) [T](2x+z)]

                     On equating the powers of similar quantities 

                     we get   x = 1, 

                                   x + y = 0    

                     &       – 2x + z = 0

                     Hence  x = 1, y = – 1,  z = 2

                using equation (B) we get  M = K FL-1T2.

                therefore dimensions of mass M = [ FL-1T2

Objective Assignment


The velocity of water waves may depend upon their wavelength , the density of water  and the acceleration due to gravity . The method of dimensions gives the relation between these quantities as

(a)  {{v}^{2}}\propto \lambda {{g}^{{-1}}}{{\rho }^{{-1}}}        

(b)  {{v}^{2}}\propto g\lambda \rho

(c)  {{v}^{2}}\propto g\lambda      

(d)  {{v}^{2}}\propto {{g}^{{-1}}}{{\lambda }^{{-3}}}

Ans: (c)


The equation of a wave is given by

          Y=A\sin \omega \left( {\frac{x}{v}-k} \right) 

where w is the angular velocity and v is the linear velocity. The                          dimension of k is                                    

         (a)   LT                                    

         (b)   T

         (c)   T-1                                   

         (d)   T2

Ans: (b)


The velocity of a freely falling body changes as {{g}^{p}}{{h}^{q}} where g is acceleration due to gravity and h is the height. The values of p and q are

         (a)  1 , 1/2                     

         (b) 1/2 , 1/2

         (c)   1/2 , 1                     

         (d)  1 , 1

Ans: (b)


The dimensions of physical quantity X in the equation Force =\frac{X}{{\text{Density}}} is given by

        (a)   {{M}^{1}}{{L}^{4}}{{T}^{{-2}}}  

        (b)    {{M}^{2}}{{L}^{{-2}}}{{T}^{{-1}}}

        (c)   {{M}^{2}}{{L}^{{-2}}}{{T}^{{-2}}}

        (d)    {{M}^{1}}{{L}^{{-2}}}{{T}^{{-1}}}

Ans: (c)


If velocity v, acceleration A and force F are chosen as fundamental quantities, then the dimensional formula of angular momentum in terms of v, A and F would be

       (a)   F{{A}^{{-1}}}v                              

       (b)    F{{v}^{3}}{{A}^{{-2}}}

       (c)   F{{v}^{2}}{{A}^{{-1}}}                 

       (d)    {{F}^{2}}{{v}^{2}}{{A}^{{-1}}}

Ans: (b)


Two quantities A and B have different dimensions. Which mathematical operation given below is physically meaningful

         (a)  A / B                               

         (b)   A + B

         (c)   A – B                               

         (d)   None

Ans: (a)


A force F is given by F=at+b{{t}^{2}}, where t is time. What are the dimensions of a and b

         (a)   ML{{T}^{{-3}}} and M{{L}^{2}}{{T}^{{-4}}}           

         (b)    ML{{T}^{{-3}}} and ML{{T}^{{-4}}}

         (c)   ML{{T}^{{-1}}} and ML{{T}^{0}}   

         (d)    ML{{T}^{{-4}}} and ML{{T}^{1}}

Ans: (b)


A physical quantity x depends on quantities y and z as follows: x=Ay+B\tan Cz, where A,B and C are constants. Which of the following do not have the same dimensions                                                       

         (a)   x and B                          

         (b) C and z-1

         (c)   y and B/A                      

         (d)  x and A

Ans: (d)


If the acceleration due to gravity is 10m/s2 and the units of length and            time are changed in kilometer and hour respectively, the numerical                value of the acceleration will become

         (a)   360000                          

         (b)   72,000

         (c)   36,000                           

         (d)  129600

Ans : (d)


With the usual notations, the following equation {{S}_{t}}=u+\frac{1}{2}a(2t-1) is

         (a)   Only numerically correct   

         (b)   Only dimensionally correct

         (c)   Both numerically and dimensionally correct

         (d)   Neither numerically nor dimensionally correct

Ans : (c)

Subjective Assignment


If force (F) and density (d) are related as: \displaystyle F=\frac{\alpha }{{\beta +\sqrt{d}}} find the dimension of b.

Ans : \displaystyle \,\left[ {{{M}^{{1/2}}}{{L}^{{-3/2}}}} \right]


The velocity of a particle, at time t, is given by \displaystyle v\,=\,at\,+\,\left\{ {b/\left( {t+c} \right)} \right\}. What are the dimensions of the product abc?

Ans : \displaystyle \left[ {{{L}^{2}}{{T}^{{-1}}}} \right]


A famous relation in physics relates moving mass (m) to the rest mass (m0) of a particle in terms of its speed v and the speed of light, c. (This relation first arose as a consequence of special theory of relativity due to Albert Einstein). A boy recalls the relation almost correctly but forgets where to put the constant c. He writes \displaystyle m\,=\,\frac{{{{m}_{0}}}}{{{{{\left( {1-{{v}^{2}}} \right)}}^{{1/2}}}}}. Guess where to put the missing c.

Ans : To make the equation dimensionally correct c2 should be put under v2. So the correct relation is \displaystyle m=\frac{{{{m}_{o}}}}{{{{{\left( {1-\frac{{{{v}^{2}}}}{{{{c}^{2}}}}} \right)}}^{{1/2}}}}}


The density of mercury is 13.6 g cm”3 in CGS system. Find its value in S.I. units.

Ans : 13600 in S.I. unit


Check the dimensional consistency of the following equation (1/2) mv2 = mgh m is the mass of the body, v is its velocity, g is acceleration due to gravity and h is the height.

Ans : The equation is dimensionally correct


The term ‘Planck time’ (tp), after the ‘Big Bang, at which the laws of physics began to be applied to understand physical phenomena. Check whether the proposed formula for Planck time, given below, is correct or not?

         \displaystyle {{t}_{p}}\,=\,\frac{1}{{\sqrt{{2\pi }}}}\sqrt{{\frac{{GE}}{{v{{c}^{5}}}}}}

where G isuniversal gravitational constant, E is energy, v be the frequency and c is speed.

Ans : The equation is dimensionally correct


The velocity of a particle, at a time t, is given by \displaystyle v=a+bt+\frac{c}{{d+t}}What are the dimensions of the ratio a/c ?

Ans : [T-1]


The equation of a wave is given by: \displaystyle y\,=\,r\,\sin \,\omega \,\left( {\frac{p}{v}-q\pi } \right) . What are the dimensions of p and q? Given that y and r are displacements,w is the angular frequency and v is speed. 

Ans : [p] = [M0LT0] , [q] = [M0L0T]


Show dimensionally that the relation \displaystyle t\,=\,2\pi \left( {\frac{l}{g}} \right) is incorrect, where l is length, t is time period of a simple pendulum and g is acceleration due to gravity. Find the correct form of the relation, dimensionally.

Ans : Dimensions of L.H.S. and R.H.S. are not equal


Whether equation \displaystyle F.s\,=\,\frac{1}{2}m{{v}^{2}}\,-\,\frac{1}{2}m{{u}^{2}} is dimensionally correct, where m is mass of the body, v is its final velocity, u is its initial velocity, F is applied force and s is distance covered.

Ans : Dimensions of L.H.S. and R.H.S. are equal


Experiment shows that frequency (n) of a tuning fork depends on length (l) of the prong, density (d) and the Youngs modulus (Y) of the material. On the basis of dimensional analysis, derive an expression for frequency of tuning fork.

Ans :  \displaystyle n=\frac{k}{l}\sqrt{{\frac{Y}{d}}}, k is dimensionless constant


Find the value of 60 joule per minute on a system which has 100 g, 100 cm and 1 minute as the fundamental units.

 Ans : \displaystyle 2.16\,\times \,{{10}^{6}}\,new\,\,units


A calorie is a unit of heat or energy and it equals about 4.2 J, where 1 J = 1 kg m2 s–2. Suppose we employ a system of units in which the unit of mass equals a kg, the unit of length P m, the unit of time is y s. Show that a calorie has a magnitude 4.2 \displaystyle {{\alpha }^{{-1}}},\,\,{{\beta }^{{-2}}},\,{{\gamma }^{2}} in terms of new units.


The velocity of sound waves V through a medium may be assumed to depend on:

(i) the density of the medium ‘d’ and

(ii) the modulus of elasticity ‘E’

Modulus of elasticity is a ratio of stress to strain  and stress is the force per unit area. Deduce by the method of dimensions the formula for the  velocity of sound. Take dimensional constant K= 1.

Ans : \displaystyle v\,=\,\sqrt{{\frac{E}{d}}}


(a) Explain the principle of homogeneity of dimensions.

(b)    Pressure is defined as momentum per unit volume. Is it true?


(a) Give two drawbacks of dimensional analysis.

(b)What is the importance of dimensional analysis inspite of its drawbacks?


An artificial satellite is revolving around a planet of mass M and radius R, in a circular orbit of radius r. From Kepler’s third law about the period of a satellite around a common central body, square of the period of revolution T is proportional to the cube of the radius of the orbit r. Show using dimensional analysis, that \displaystyle T=\frac{k}{R}\sqrt{{\frac{{{{r}^{3}}}}{g}}}where k is a dimensionless constant and g is acceleration due to gravity.