Video Lecture

Theory For Notes Making

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Objective Assignment


Two drops of same radius are falling through air with steady velocity of v cm/s. If the two drops coalesce, what would be the terminal velocity?

(a) 4v               (b) (4)1/3v              (c) 2v                  (d) 64v

Ans.  (b)


When a tangential force of 0.02 N is applied on a large wooden plate of area 10 m2 floating on the surface of the river, plate moves with the speed 2 m/s on the river surface. IF the river is 1 m deep and the water in contact with the bed is stationary, then coefficient of viscosity of water is

(a) 2 ´ 10-2 poise                                

(b) 10-3 poise

(c) 10-4 poise                                      

(d) 2 ´ 10-1 poise

Ans.  (b)


From amongst the following curves, which one shows the v ariation of the velocity v with time t for a small sized spherical body falling vertically in a long column of viscous liquid.

Ans.  (d)

Subjective Assignment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.