Video Lectures

Theory For Notes Making

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Objective Assignment


A cyclist speeding at 18 km/hr on a level road takes a sharp circular turn of radius 3 m without reducing the speed. The co-efficient of static friction between the tyres and the road is 0.1. Will the cyclist slip while taking the turn?

(a)Yes,The cyclist will slip while taking the circular turn.

(b)No,The cyclist will slip while taking the circular turn.

Ans (a)

Comprehension Based Question ( 2 And 3)

A circular racetrack of radius 300 m is banked at an angle of 15o. If the coefficient of friction between the wheels of race car and the road is 0.2, what is the


(a) optimum speed of the racecar to avoid wear and tear on its tyres 

(a)10.00 m/s

(b)20.5 m/s

(c)28.1 m/s

(d)25.6 m/s

Ans (c)


(b) maximum permissible speed to avoid slipping?

(a)35.0 m/s

(b) 36.8 m/s

(c)38.1 m/s

(d)40.0 m/s

Ans (c)

Subjective Assignment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Created on By physicscart

Circular Motion In A Horizontal Plane

1 / 10

10,000 small balls, each weighing 1 gm, strike one square cm of area per second with a velocity 100 m/s in a normal direction and rebound with the same velocity. The value of pressure on the surface will be

2 / 10

A cannon after firing recoils due to

3 / 10

A person is standing in an elevator. In which situation he finds his weight less than actual when

4 / 10

A machine gun is mounted on a 2000 kg car on a horizontal frictionless surface. At some instant the gun fires bullets of mass 10 gm with a velocity of 500 m/sec with respect to the car. The number of bullets fired per second is ten. The average thrust on the system is

5 / 10

An object with a mass 10 kg moves at a constant velocity of 10 m/sec. A constant force then acts for 4 second on the object and gives it a speed of 2 m/sec in opposite direction. The acceleration produced in it, is

6 / 10

When 1 N force acts on 1 kg body that is able to move freely, the body receives

7 / 10

A body of mass 40 gm is moving with a constant velocity of 2 cm/sec on a horizontal frictionless table. The force on the table is

8 / 10

A force of 5 N  acts on a body of weight 9.8 N. What is the acceleration produced in m/{{\sec }^{2}}

9 / 10

A body of mass 2 kg moving on a horizontal surface with an initial velocity of 4 m/sec comes to rest after 2 sec. If one wants to keep this body moving on the same surface with a velocity of 4 m/sec, the force required is

10 / 10

A force of 100 dynes acts on mass of 5 gm for 10 sec. The velocity produced is

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