Video Lecture

Theory For Notes Making

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Objective Assignment


Which one of the arrangements is figure shows the correct biasing of the collector in a transistor?

Ans (a)


The distance between two atoms in contact is known as

(a) lattice parameter                                                                         

(b) atomic radius

(c) number of constituent               

(d) packing factor.

Ans (a)


The value of a

(a) is always infinity                                                                            

(b) is always less than 1

(c) lies between 50 and 150            

(d) is always greater that 150.

Ans (b)


The relation between a and b is given by                                

(a) \beta =\frac{\alpha }{{1-\alpha }}         

(b) \displaystyle \alpha -\beta                      

(c) \beta =\frac{\alpha }{{1+\alpha }}         

(d) \alpha =\frac{1}{\beta }.

Ans (a)


The value of current gain in CB amplifier is

(a) greater than one                                                                          

(b) less or greater than one

(c) less than one                                                                                  

(d) none of the above.

Ans (c)


For a transistor IC = 25 mA and Ib = 1 mA. What is the value of a?

(a) 25/25 

(b) 26/25 

(c) 24/25 

(d) 25/26.

Ans (d)

Subjective Assignment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Created on By physicscart

Transistor And Their Application (Basic Level)

1 / 10

If the forward voltage in a semiconductor diode is doubled, the width of the depletion layer will

2 / 10

A NPN transistor conducts when

3 / 10

When NPN transistor is used as an amplifier

4 / 10

The phase difference between input and output voltages of  a CE circuit is

5 / 10

An oscillator is nothing but an amplifier with

6 / 10

The emitter-base junction of a transistor is …… biased while the collector-base junction is ……. biased

7 / 10

In an NPN transistor the collector current is 24 mA. If 80% of electrons reach collector its base current in mA is

8 / 10

In the case of constants α and β of  a transistor

9 / 10

Which of the following is true

10 / 10

If α = 0.98 and current through emitter ie = 20 mA, the value of β is

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