Video Lecture

Theory For Notes Making

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Objective Assignment


The nuclear radius of Pb208 is 8.874 fm. What will be the nuclear radius of Ca44?

(a) 5. 483fm

(b) 5.286 fm

(c) 0.146 fm

(d) 4.326 fm

Ans (b)


The mass defect for the nucleus of helium is 0.0303u. What is the binding energy per nucleus for helium in MeV?





Ans  (b)


If M is atomic mass, A is mass number, then \left( {\frac{{M-A}}{M}} \right) is called

(a)Binding energy                

(b)Fermi energy                   

(c)Mass defect                     

(d)Packing fraction.

Ans  (d)


The more readily fissionable isotope of uranium has an atomic mass of





Ans (c)


Fusion reactions takes place at about

(a)3 × 102 K                                    

(b)3 × 103 K                                    

(c)3 × 104 K                                     

(d)3 × 106 K.

Ans  (d)


The mass density of a nucleus varies with mass number A as





Ans (c)


In nuclear fission, 0.1 % mass is converted into energy. The energy released by the fission of 1 kg mass is

(a)2.5 × 105 k Wh                         

(b)2.5 × 107 k Wh                         

(c)2.5 × 106 k Wh                         

(d)2.5 × 10–7 k Wh.

Ans (b)


In a given nuclear reaction 2He4 + Z X _____ Z+2Y A + 3 + K, K is

(a) electron                                   

(b) positron                                   

(c) proton                                       

(d) neutron

Ans (d)


A nucleus with A = 235 splits into two nuclei whose mass numbers are in the ratio 2 : 1. If R0 = 1.4 fm, find the radii of the new nuclei.

(a) 5.99 fm, 1.45 fm

(b) 5.99 fm, 0.23 fm

(c) 5.99 fm, 8.36 fm

(d) 5.99 fm, 7.55 fm

Ans (d)


Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for a 6C12 nucleus. Atomic mass of 6C12 = 12u, mass of a proton = 1.007825u, mass of a neutron = 1.008665u.

(a) 1.00 MeV

(b) 7.68 MeV

(c) 2.33 MeV

(d) 0.32 MeV

Ans (b)


A nuclear reaction used U235 as fuel as an output of 106 W. How much uranium is consumed per hour? The energy released per fission is 200 MeV. Given Avogadro’s number = 6.023 × 1023 mol–1.

(a) 1.0354 g

(b) 0.025 g

(c) 0.0439 g

(d) 2.2339 g

Ans (c)

Subjective Assignment

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Created on By physicscart

Introduction Of Nucleus, Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones, A.M.V, Mass Defect, Binding Energy (Board Level)

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