Video Lecture

Theory For Notes Making

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Objective Assignment


A beam of light starting from point A reflects from a mirror M and forms an image at B as shown in the same horizontal plane as A. For small angle of incidence i, AB is equal to

(a)  iD                (b)  2iD              (c)  4iD           (d)  iD/2

Ans.  (b)


Two plane mirrors A and B are aligned parallel to each other as shown in figure. A light ray is incident at an angle of 30° at a point just inside one end of A. The plane of incidence coincides with the plane of the figure. The maximum number of times the ray undergoes reflections (including the first one) before it emerges out is

(a) 28        (b) 30        (c) 32        (d) 34

Ans.  (b)

Subjective Assignment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Created on By physicscart

Reflection From A Plane Mirror (Basic Level)

1 / 5

A ray of light is incidenting normally on a plane mirror. The angle of reflection will be

2 / 5

An object is at a distance of 0.5 m in front of a plane mirror. Distance between the object and image is

3 / 5

A man runs towards a mirror at a speed 15 m/s  The speed of the image relative to the man is

4 / 5

Focal length of a plane mirror is

5 / 5

A ray of light is incident at 50° on the middle of one of the two mirrors arranged at an angle of 60° between them. The ray then touches the second mirror, get reflected back to the first mirror, making an angle of incidence of

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